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Character Trait of the Month: Respect

january character trait: respect

The Character Trait for January is Respect.

Respect is caring enough to consider how words and actions impact others. 

The following VPA of FL students are being recognized in January!

Brooklyn H. is Ms. McBride’s kindergarten class. Ms. McBride says Brooklyn always waits her turn and is respectful to her peers during live lessons. She raises her hand and is kind to others when they have questions. She is a great example of showing respect in the classroom.

Benjamin R. is in Ms. Amiel’s 5th grade class. Ms. Amiel says Benji is one of the most respectful kids she’s ever met! He is kind, patient, caring, and understanding. She feels so lucky to be his teacher! Not only does he show respect to her, but he is also respectful to his peers and all other teachers. Thank you, Benji, for always being such a good role model for your peers!!

Stella H. is in Ms. Perini’s 9th grade English class. Ms. Perini says that Stella shows respect towards all of her peers during live sessions and on discussion boards. She is kind, understanding, and patient towards her classmates daily. Ms. Perini loves having her in class and is so grateful for the respect she gives her as well.

Addison H. is a 9th grader in Ms. Byrd’s Algebra class. Ms. Byrd says that Addison is a bundle of sunshine every day! She is extremely respectful of teachers and her fellow students! She contributes to the conversation but always remains open to what others have to say.

Good job, everyone!