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Character Trait of the Month: Kindness

kindness hero

The Character Trait for December is Kindness.

Kindness is the quality or state of being kind.

The following VPA of FL students are being recognized in December!

Luc L. is in Ms. Medley’s 1st grade class. She says Luc is always very polite and kind in their small groups, and she appreciates his exceptional manners!

Onna F. is in Ms. Serrao’s 4th grade class. Ms. Serrao says every morning in homeroom, Onna asks students how they’re doing and if they slept well. She makes it a point to be kind to all of her classmates and shows that she cares about them. Onna is a ray of sunshine in their virtual classroom!

Azariah M. is in Ms. Amiel’s 5th grade class. She says Azariah’s kindness is a wonderful trait that positively impacts those around her (including Ms. Amiel). Her positive attitude and caring nature make our school community a better place. Azariah’s presence is a constant reminder that small acts of kindness can make a big difference. We are so lucky to have you as a VPREP role model.

Morgan S. is in Ms. Anderson’s 8th grade math class. Ms. Anderson says Morgan is a very sweet and kind person who really cares about her classmates.

McKenzie G. is in Ms. Royse’s Spanish class. She says McKenzie exemplifies kindness. She is always willing to help others and is so considerate with her teacher and peers.

Good job everyone!